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BridgeNet is a networking library that solves a multitude of annoyances and problems when working directly with RemoteEvents, while remaining performant and not losing the ability to easily debug. BridgeNet takes a philosophy of letting the developer optimize what's sent over the wire, while optimizing the calls itself, trying to be as non-intrusive as possible.


  • A multitude of utility functions such as :FireAllInRange(), :FireAllExcept, and :FireAllInRangeExcept.
  • Directly cutting down the amount of data it takes to call a remote event
  • Easy-to-use, dynamic serialization/deserialization layer
  • Dynamic send/receive rates
  • Dynamically creating RemoteEvents while keeping all the above features

Upcoming features (order = priority)

  • Support for rate limiting
  • Typechecking

Prior art